Makkolli Moon

Underneath the makkolli moon
We’ll get drunk & spit at stars
Roll cars out into roads & fight
Trespass on the night’s property

Underneath the makkolli moon
We’ll fall in love & then forget
Throw bottles at the alley cats
Invade Poland, or whistle tunes

Underneath the makkolli moon
We’ll wind our frozen watches
Shout obscenities at a shadow
Boil milk from subway sparks

Underneath the makkolli moon
We’ll step on broken glasses
Make pain from frozen garbage
Shatter poems with two sighs

Underneath the makkolli moon
We’ll murder all our tomorrows
Draw moustaches on our heroes
Drown punches in tears of milk

Underneath the makkolli moon
We’ll create a visible canvas
Spraying slogans on ourselves
Running away from the fires

Underneath the makkolli moon
We’ll pretend we never existed
Smile at liquid breaths of dawn
Edit our own white footprints


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